Wednesday 16 October 2013

Leaving children at a toy store

I watched another of the Primetime: What Would You Do clip on YouTube, which was where my post about LGBT parenting was inspired by:

While the video is just as an act to test people's reactions, I was shocked to learn that there are parents who have left their children at a toy store, a bookstore, a fast-food restaurant or a mall. Why? For those places to fill the role of a babysitter. Until I watched the above video, I had never heard about this happening.

I've heard of a variety of stupid things that people have done...but this? How can anyone rationalise leaving their kid(s) at a toy store or a mall? It's beyond irresponsible. Young children should never be left unattended: there should always be a parent, guardian or other trusted adult around them at all time while out in public.

Leaving children at the aforementioned places puts strain on the employees and customers, as it forces them to have to deal with a situation they shouldn't have to face, i.e. having to look after someone else's kids. Also, unless you visit a place frequently and know the people there, there's no reason to trust any of them with your kids; I shouldn't have to add that it makes it easier for those who abduct children.

Thoughts on this? I'm both alarmed and disgusted about it.


  1. Ugh, that happens ALL THE TIME at the library. It annoys me because most of the time the children become unruly and disturb the library. >_<
