Tuesday 3 March 2015

"Of Mice and Men" control

This Friday, the control/exam for Of Mice and Men will take place. Essentially, in the control everyone in the class has to write a piece on how power - be it hierarchical or physical or seductive power - is presented in the novella. We have to cover at least two characters and link power in with said characters and the era in which the book is set.

Unless I somehow epically screw up, there is no doubt that the quality of my writing on the day will be excellent; I just need to ensure that I accurately write enough about power and put it into context for the era. I haven't worked as hard for this control as I should have done but I think I'll pull through; it's not as though I've done nothing!

After Of Mice and Men, it's Macbeth!


  1. Noooo! You shouldn't have mentioned THAT play! It's bad luck, y'know! It's a good play, though. :) I also really like Of Mice and Men!
