Sunday 8 March 2015

International Women's Day 2015

These are my thoughts for my 2015 post on International Women's Day:

"At first, I was concerned when I started seeing International Women's Day being used as a greeting (i.e. introducing it with the word "happy", like when people say "Happy International Talk like a Pirate Day"). I thought this type of recognition was trivialising this day and its significance.

I thought about it some more and while I still hold those concerns to a degree, at the same time, spreading knowledge about the day is a positive action, provided that the meaning and message behind it is not lost. Plus, increasing equality is something to be happy about."

I don't want International Women's Day to become reduced to a mere greeting unless, of course, that only happens when women are truly equal and there's zero danger of society backsliding into past treatments of women. Sadly, that day is still a long way off.


  1. You do have a point. I know whenever I'm on Wesley's Facebook and see my religious friends posting the Biblical verses of women being inferior and only a man can compliment her, I get angry.

    1. It's sad that anybody still thinks that women are inferior to men. :(

  2. I think the first I heard of it was last year on your blog. :)

    1. According to your comments back then, it was. :)
