Saturday 12 January 2013

Building the Death Star redux

Back in February of last year I wrote a short piece about a study that had been conducted to determine the real-life costs of building the Death Star from Star Wars. A petition on the website for the White House calling for the construction of a Death Star recently attained the necessary 25,000 signatures for a response from the Oval Office. A response was given, as is required; both it and the original petition can be found here.

I must say that I didn't expect to see the "price" of the Death Star to get mentioned again anywhere, let alone on a petition to the White House! I thought it would be a one-time issue to write about and that would be it.


  1. Huh, that's interesting. Who would have thought!

  2. the petition response is AMAZING. I love that our Administration is made up of geeks :)

    1. It is amazing! I didn't expect such a response. :)
