Saturday 15 November 2014

The sashaying teacher

In yesterday's English lesson, I participated in something that I didn't expect to do at college: I danced with my teacher in front of the class. Yep, my English teacher and I performed, arm-in-arm, a sashay together.

It all started because part of the lesson was devoted to thinking of stronger words for walking besides the word "walk" itself. One of the words I thought of was "sashay", which impressed my teacher; however, some of the other students weren't familiar with the term. This spurred my teacher to ask me for a demonstration of a sashay.

Naturally, I was stunned by her request but I complied and together we performed a sashay for the class. I would label it as one of the world's worst, as it looked more like a funky chicken dance than a sexy sashay. It occurred to me later that a great demonstration of a sashay would have been to have copied how models move on a catwalk.

Regardless, the rest of the class was amused. In the coming weeks, we're each supposed to give a short presentation on a subject of our choice; I should have an easier time with mine because of my dancing with my teacher.