Wednesday 26 November 2014

Narrowly there

For the first time ever, I was nearly late to class this morning. Rather than have my shower immediately after my alarm activated, I instead relaxed in my warm bed; in my defence, the recent mornings have been insanely cold and I was comfortable. Still, I had to get up, so I did.

I managed to catch the 8:30 bus with over a minute to spare. Boarding this bus turned out to be fortunate for me, as it took forty minutes for it to reach my college on a journey that usually only takes twenty. Why? Because the traffic was insane. Before my bus was halfway through its trip I was worried that I would be late.

Ultimately, I made it to college with five minutes to spare, which has set the record for the latest I have ever arrived there prior to a class. One of my friends laughed that, by my standards, I was late (I'm usually at the college at least half an hour before class begins). I am consistently early and intend to keep it that way; I don't want to ever be late.

On the humorous side, this Wednesday has been the polar opposite to last Wednesday, when I was incredibly early!


  1. Maybe next Wednesday you will be right on time. Sounds like The Three Bears.

    1. Right on time on a Wednesday would be 8:30, when students are officially allowed to be present on campus. :)

  2. Life is funny like that. :) Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. It is. :) Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Jessica!
