Tuesday 25 November 2014

Bizarre blog bug

Due to some unexplained bug, my post from yesterday (25th November 2014), "Songs for blog during December? (2)", is gone. I have absolutely no idea what happened to it; I know that I didn't delete it.

In that post, I said that I would continue my tradition of posting Christmas songs from modern artists every fifth day of December. My friend and fellow blogger Jessica left a positive comment as a response to my post.

I am annoyed that the post is gone. Rather than have a gap in my blog, I have set this post's publishing time to yesterday, even though it has been posted today.


  1. That's odd. How do you change days on blogger?

    1. I changed the "schedule" on the right side of the editing interface so that it was set to the day before.

  2. That's bizarre.

    1. It is; I'm annoyed I lost the post. :/ I'm glad it wasn't a long one.
