Saturday, 24 May 2014

The oldest American

I read this article last night before I went to bed:

Jeralean Talley is the oldest person in the United States and the second-oldest person in the world; she celebrated her 115th birthday yesterday. Talley has lived in Inkster, Michigan, which is in the Detroit area, since 1935 and was married for 52 years to Alfred Talley; from what I've read about Jeralean Talley, she has lived a happy life.


  1. When I saw this, it made me smile. :) I met a lot of nice seniors in Detroit and I can't wait to move. Maybe I'll live to 115. ;) Haha, one can hope (my great grandma lived to be 99.5 and nan was almost 90... so it's possible!).

    1. Hey, many centenarians have said that happiness has contributed to their long lives, so be positive! :)
