Sunday 11 August 2013


After living in Northamptonshire for over two years, I visited Northampton itself today; however, my visit to Northampton this afternoon wasn't specifically to see the place: I was meeting up with a friend.

To begin with, my friend and I walked around the town centre for half an hour; I enjoy looking at the centres of various towns and cities, as skylines fascinate me. As such, I had requested seeing Northampton's centre and we went there before doing anything else that we had planned; I liked seeing the architecture, the various places to shop, the old market area; and the large pedestrianised street, named Abington Street. There is a bizarre-looking statue on Abington Street called the Discovery Sculpture, which commemorates Northampton-born scientist Francis Crick; there is a picture of it here.

After my friend had finished showing me the town centre, she drove us to Salcey Forest, a former medieval hunting forest located to the south of Northampton. My friend had recommended Salcey Forest; the forest appealed to me for both its footpaths and for this:

A view of Northampton from the peak of the forest's tree top walk/canopy walkway. I love observation points and viewing Northampton from afar was certainly a treat.

We then travelled to the village of Stoke Bruerne, going through another village, Blisworth, on the way; however, we were unable to stop off at either village because the canal boat festival was being held today (both villages are on the Grand Union Canal, as with Foxton Locks). The festival overwhelmed the two villages with people and all available parking spaces were occupied; while we didn't get to visit either place, we still chatted happily together and I got to see more of the Northamptonshire countryside. We returned to Northampton to get some lunch and then my friend took me back home.

We had a wonderful afternoon, which was improved with the gradually ameliorating weather over the course of the day. I got to visit Northampton (which I'd certainly like to visit again, both for my friends living there and just to see the place again), see more of Northamptonshire, had a pleasant lunch and, best of all, spent time with a friend! I was amazed at how fast the time appeared to disappear.