Tuesday 27 January 2015

Back to the radio

Yesterday evening, I listened to the radio for the first time in over a month, which ended my longest spell of not listening to the radio since I began listening to it back in December 2004. The main reason for my stop was because of the presence of my relatives but also because I was sick and didn't feel up to listening.

I am enjoying hearing pop music again. I don't appear to have missed much since my radio break, which started roughly in the middle of last month. I recognise most of the songs and many of the news ones I had heard of during my rest.


  1. YAY! I haven't listened to the radio in years. :p

  2. I like the Trending 7@7 out of South Bend. You can vote all day, and they play the winning seven songs at 7 pm. Top 40-ish.
