Tuesday 25 March 2014

Uneven level of attractiveness

I discovered this article this morning and found it extremely interesting:

It's about a man who won a radio station's "Punching Above Your Weight Champion" award, which he won for being in a relationship where the woman is massively more attractive than the man. Darren Donaghey, the man in said type of relationship, self-nominated for the award after hearing about it on the radio on the way to work one day. The radio station's listeners voted Donaghey and his fiancée, Kate Cathart, as the winners.

While Cathart and Donaghey's relationship is viewed as unusual, it shouldn't be. When I walk around my residence and when I've been to other parts of this country, it's not uncommon for me to see couples where one half is far more attractive than the other...and it's not soley beautiful woman-ugly man relationships, either! I've observed quite a few couples that would cause many people to ask "what's that [insert positive appearance adjective here] man doing with her?" Evidently, the people in these relationships didn't consider looks and money to be determining factors, as with Cathart and Donaghey. In the end, so what if they're both not on the same level of attractiveness? As long as they love each other and are happy, that's all that counts. Nobody's approval is necessary and any offence certain people might take is irrelevant; as the adage goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I like relationships such as Cathart and Donaghey's because they break the social construct that people should be of equal or similar attractiveness to be in a relationship with each other. They also help to disprove the false notion pushed by some men that most women are only interested in a man if he's hot or rich (or both). It gets boring reading comments from men who dismiss all women as gold diggers and dismiss people like Cathart and Donaghey as an anomaly or a distraction.

I also like Cathart and Donaghey's sense of humour. The fact they are able to laugh about themselves and their relationship shows good character on their part. I wish them the best of luck for their marriage.


  1. Ah, yes, that happened to me twice. People actually asked me why I considered the two I dated. Yet, despite that, they both cheated. -_- Eh, whatever.

  2. Smarts and humor are more important in a person.

  3. I feel like I read something a while back that basically said that most people end up with people who are about the same attractiveness as themselves. Basically, it's human nature. That being said I've also read studies that suggest that men tend to value things like looks when picking a potential mate while women place a greater value on things like sense of humor and intelligence when looking for mates. It's always interesting when you see "uneven" matches (whether that be personality or looks based) - obviously something is there making the couple work, but it doesn't make as much sense initially and that's probably why people talk about it more.

    1. I think uneven personality matches are more interesting, such as when an extremely bouncy and outgoing person is with someone who is the complete opposite. I don't mock or dismiss it, of course, I just find it interesting! Again, as long as they're happy, that's all that matters. :)
