Wednesday 19 March 2014

Types of friends to dump

I saw this video about seven types of friends one shouldn't feel bad about dumping:

Of the types shown in the video, the "Always-Correcting-You" friend would actually be a postive to me as long as they're not patronising; at least this type of person pays attention to what I say and cares enough to correct me. I also don't mind being corrected.

The "In a Relationship" and "Flakey" friends can both be handled. Whenever people in relationships are annoying, it's because of other traits that one or both people in the relationship have; it's not usually the relationship itself that makes them annoying until you count lovey-dovey couples, with whom I don't have a problem. Also, people in relationships do have certain priorities, but in all fairness, that doesn't mean that they should neglect their friends and family. As for the flakey types, they are annoying, but as long as you're aware of their flaking habits and know how to work around them, such as by arranging something with them at short notice so that they don't have the chance to flake, they shouldn't be too much trouble.

The rest of the types can be taken on a case-by-case basis. The downers, passive-aggressors and jealous types are not worth having as friends if these are their constant behaviours; however, most people have their down, passive-aggressive and jealous moments, and should be afforded some leeway with the caveat that the negativity doesn't become frequent. A self-absorbed person isn't always bad, either, for as long as they're otherwise a friendly individual I'm okay with them; besides, someone who enjoys talking about themselves all the time lifts the pressure off you whenever you want to hang out with someone but aren't in the mood for talking about yourself.

As people are not usually one-dimensional in personality and emotion, the aforementioned types can overlap: it's not impossible for someone to be all of the types shown in the video and it's also possible for such a person to be a good friend. Again, it's a case-by-case basis: we all have our bad moments and if we ended our friendships over trivialities, none of us would have any friends. Still, people who are a net-negative in your life should definitely be ejected from your social circles.

Fortunately for me, I don't know anyone whom I want to dump as a friend. In addition, this post is not a passive-aggressive attempt to get any of my friends reading this to examine and change their own's just my thoughts on something I found interesting! As always, other opinions are welcome.


  1. Will watch the video tomorrow.Though, I have been guilty of some of these traits. :\

    1. Even if you have, it doesn't matter to me because your good qualities more than make up for any bad ones that you might have and I know for sure that you're a great person. :)

    2. Aww, thanks. :) I'm hoping once I move some of the bad qualities will go away since I will be out of the stress causing them.

  2. Gotta love a one minute video! It was funny, especially the jealous people. Flakey friends bother me the most.

    1. It was nice and quick, wasn't it? :) I agree, flakey friends are annoying, but they can be handled, although not to be relied on except in extreme circumstances.
