Sunday 16 March 2014


It's often the way: I write several posts that I'm (highly) pleased with and then I suddenly find myself unable to writing anything! It's not for lack of ideas, though; I have a few blog posts lined up but for some reason I didn't have the creativity in place to write any io them tonight. Not to worry, as tomorrow's post will be much better than this one.

On the bright side, today was a beautiful day in regards to the weather; almost fully-clear blue skies all day! I wasn't going to miss such wonderful weather by being on the computer, so I went out instead.


  1. Good for you!

  2. Hey, that's okay! I rather be outside. :D I had a busy day today, so I didn't work on much writing. I think it'll be that way until Wednesday since diversity night is Tuesday (6-8:30 pm).

  3. I've been there many times - hence why my blogger posts are quite sporadic these days. Sometimes it's down to lack of motivation and other times it's a case of writer's block and simply being unable to enter the writing mindset or just being unable to convert thoughts and feelings precisely and concisely into words. The good thing though is that it's only temporary. :)

  4. It was nice in Washington (and Oregon) this weekend too. Hooray for sunshine! I can't wait for summer.

    1. Glad that you got to experience some sunshine! :)
