Wednesday 19 June 2013

The standing moorhen

The moorhens again; there are two adult moorhens in this picture but that's not the fascinating part. Look closely:

The moorhen in the centre of the image is standing on the water. I didn't realise until later that I had photographed the moorhen in that position; I had to ask someone else to double-check the picture in case I wasn't looking at it properly! It's rare to see a bird do this, at least in my experience anyway.

This is a shrunk-down version of the picture; if you can't tell whether or not the moorhen is standing I'll be happy to e-mail a larger copy to anyone who asks or re-upload the image here.


  1. It looks like you have a lot of water this month too. We're 7 inches over our normal.

    1. Every time I think our "extended winter" has come to end, it comes back! >_<
