Sunday 16 June 2013

Father's Day 2013

Father's Day was a quiet day for us, as it usually is; Dad isn't a fan of the the day but he appreciates the sentiment, nonetheless. My brother and I had made Dad a card each and Mum had bought one. Dad wanted to do a barbecue this afternoon but the weather was unpredictable; instead, he and Mum cooked all the meat for the barbecue in the oven. He also spent the weekend testing out his new phone, a device that he is pleased with. He had a good day!

On another note, Father's Day occurs on the same day in both the United Kingdom and the United States; no dual-celebration is needed here!


  1. Glad it was a good Father's Day. :) Your dad sounds like mine, haha. I gave my dad money and he gave it back -- he doesn't like taking money from me. But, he did enjoy our lunch at the restaurant.

    Is Mother's Day celebrated the same day in the UK as the US?

    1. I'm glad your Dad enjoyed his day. :)

      Mother's Day is on two different days.

    2. Both UK and US Mother's Days are before Father's Day.
