Thursday 9 February 2012

Leaky fish juice

We had fish for dinner a week or so ago, and some of the leftover juice from the fish was put in a container and placed in the fridge. Sometime during yesterday or the day before, the container was knocked over and a significant amount of the juice leaked out from it. As a result, the refrigerator stank of fish.

When either Dad or Mum first noticed the smell last night, they thought that something may have got into the fridge's drip tray, or that there was possibly even a problem with the fridge itself. Upon further investigation, we realised that some of the other food was covered in fish juice, and that the container (which had been forgotten about until this point) had been knocked onto its side.

It took two hours and various cleaning agents to remove the stink from the refrigerator. Some of the contents needed to be cleaned too: I had to wash at least 40 eggs of the juice and put them all in a bowl, for they were covered and their carton was ruined from being located on the shelf below the container (and right in the path of the majority of the juice as well). The floor also had to be wiped of drops of the juice from me carrying the shelves to the sink.

The smell of fish is a major pain to remove, especially when it is "off". As I have been typing this post the odour has still been in my nose. I hope we decide not to keep more containers of fish juice from now on, but if we do, we remember to use it quickly!


  1. Bleck, lol. I'll keep that in mind the next time I have fish.

  2. It was pretty gross. :\ The fish from the other night was fine, however. :)
