Friday 21 October 2011

My "Recipes": "Andrew's Cheese Sandwich"

This is the ninth episode of My "Recipes", Andrew’s Cheese Sandwich:

2 slices of bread.
4 slices of cheese.
Tomato Ketchup or Mustard.
Garlic salt.

How to make it:

Put both slices of bread in the oven and only cook one side of each slice of bread.
When golden-brown put ketchup on both slices of bread, but only the side that is not cooked, then put cheese on the ketchup part. Cook both of the slices that aren’t cooked in the oven. Make sure that they are not put together. 
Correction: Don’t put ketchup on until last. Also put both slices of together when they are cooked.

My verdict: I had to re-read parts of this one to make sense of some of the grammar. However, this seems to be instructions on how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. I do not know why I added a “correction” segment on the ketchup to contradict what I had written before: to my knowledge, you can put ketchup under the cheese if you want and then put it in the oven with no problems. I would not recommend mustard.

As I wrote in a previous My “Recipes” post, I prefer open sandwiches, and would not put any sort of spread on, so I would drop the ketchup and just have regular cheese on toast. 

Other than these issues, this one seems okay. If you cannot make sense of the wording for this recipe, let me know and I will translate my old typing for you!

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