Thursday 8 September 2011

Coffee problem

Here is a little something to make you laugh: I was making a coffee for Mum earlier this afternoon, but in the process of pouring the drink I put way too much of it in her mug, so I decided to have it instead and make another for her. I made the second coffee, and put in perfectly all the ingredients she likes in her coffees; she then had to go out of the kitchen for whatever reason, and I sat down to have the drink I unintentionally made for myself.

My brother then came in, saw a mug in the living room and assumed it was a drink I had done for Mum (it was actually a mug that had been used earlier and left in that room). He looked at the counters in the kitchen and saw that there was a drink ready, and even though he was planning to have water, he drank the coffee anyway. As I was eating something to go with my coffee, I did not pay any attention to what he had done, and I even said "you're welcome" to his thanking me for the drink.

Mum came in a couple of minutes later for her drink, but she could not find it. I was baffled, especially when Mum said she had not even touched the mug, but my brother then admitted he had been the one to drink her coffee, as he thought he saw Mum with a drink in the living room and assumed the coffee on the countertop in the kitchen was his. After some laughing and a facepalm, I proceeded to make Mum a third drink, and this time I ensured Mum received it.

So, I ended up making three drinks intended for Mum! It was not what I expected to do but it sure brightened up the afternoon a little bit.

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