Tuesday 23 October 2012


I bought a new phone over a month ago; to make use of our existing handsets my old phone was given to my brother and my brother's old phone was passed over to my mother. Mum was glad for the "upgrade" as she always had trouble using the tiny buttons and seeing the content on small screen of her phone; the better buttons and the bigger, brighter screen have given her plenty of texting practice.

Over the past month Mum has sent out more texts than she has in the all the previous months of her life combined, but what's even more surprising is that my own recent texting activity has trailed off to the point where she has out-texted me 2-1! Normally I'm the person who does the most amount of texting in our house.

Now I certainly don't want this to come across as though I'm complaining...I'm not! After all, in the grand scheme of things this isn't really that important; I merely find it funny that Mum is our biggest texter at the moment while at the same time my own texting has slowed down after I purchased a new phone. It's a double irony!

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