Tuesday 2 June 2015

Three down, two to go

My English exam, which took place in the morning, is complete. The majority of people taking the English GCSE at my college underwent the exam in the gym, which, to my knowledge, is the largest room on the campus (although the canteen might be bigger but I'm not sure).

How I did perform? I think I handled myself okay. I answered all six questions; the first three questions involved analysing documents, the fourth involved comparing document three with document one or two, the fifth was to write about a place I visited and what effect it had on me and the sixth was to argue my opinion on a statement. The only question I had problems with was the "comparing" one but I am sure I obtained at least half the marks for my answer.

I'm hoping that my handwriting won't have a negative effect on my overall grade. As I wrote several months ago, my handwriting isn't brilliant and my English teacher expressed concern that I could lose marks if examiners can't read my work. I should be okay.

I won't learn my results until mid-late August but I am confident that I earned a C at the minumum; I will be shocked if I haven't. Evidently, I want an A* ("A star") or A grade but I'd be comfortable with a B.

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