Wednesday 27 June 2012

Another answer on the "Who's On Heart" competition

I wrote about the "Who's On Heart" competition slightly over two weeks ago, and in the last couple of days a lady named Caroline correctly identified a second voice in the game. The person saying "heart" is the actress Joely Richardson, the younger sister of late Natasha Richardson. Caroline won £20,000 from her guess.

I do find it interesting that Joely Richardson is among the three "well-known celebrities" selected for the competition. Not to belittle her success, but I would not consider her to be well-known or a celebrity, and prior to hearing her name on the competition the most I read about her would have been in passing while reading about Natasha. Of course, I do not want to complain about what I think has been a fun competition to follow, and all because I do not consider someone to be "well-known" does not mean that others will share that same opinion.

With two of the names down, only the man saying "on" has to be identified now. As a quick re-cap, voice one ("who's") is Tina Turner, voice two ("on") is unknown, and voice three ("heart") is Joely Richardson.