Saturday 12 May 2012


I recently discovered an interesting-sounding word: slumgullion. There are various definitions of a "slumgullion", but most often a slumgullion is a watery meat and vegetable stew. A slumgullion is not normally a high-quality meal, but also not necessarily an unhealthful one, either.

Ofter meanings include it being a term to describe a weak coffee or tea; a muddy, red-coloured substance found in the sluices of mines; and can be synonymous with the word "offal". It can also be used to describe any sort of slime, or in a derogatory manner against any sort of watery meal.

Even without the alternate terms, something called a "slumgullion" does not sound as though it would be an appetising meal!


  1. Hmmm, I am going to have to check this out. :)

  2. Funny...I read that word and though "Yummy!" :D

    1. Totally fine with me, it's how one interprets it, after all. :)
