Friday 16 March 2012

Cutting the grass

I performed the first grass-cutting of our yards for the year today. It was not a difficult job as we have only a small lawn at the front and a somewhat bigger (but still small) lawn at the back; in addition, both lots of grass are flat. Factoring in getting the equipment out of the garage, setting everything up, and doing the actual cutting, I would say that it was a half-hour job at most.

This contrasts to two years ago when it could take up to two days to cut the grass. With our house in Oregon having two/three acres of land in front of it, the front yard being located on a slope, and that slope having plenty of dips in various parts, it was difficult work to cut its grass. Even when we used a tractor rather than a lawnmower it took several hours to get the job done, and with a tractor we could not use it on the deeply sloped parts to avoid tipping the machine over.

As exhausting as it was, cutting the grass at our Oregon home was still fun and I do miss it. It would be nice to cut it again.


  1. Dad just cut the grass today. It's 70 degrees here... very warm for Pennsylvania in March.
