Tuesday 28 April 2015

The massive headache

I experienced something excessively unpleasant yesterday afternoon. During my mathematics lesson, I started to develop a headache; I thought I would be able to control it by having some water and by taking a nap during the class break.

Alas, this wasn't the case. My headache worsened by the minute and, because I found the room unbearably hot, I had to leave the class and attempted to listen to the lesson from the hall. The assistant that we have in mathematics came out to chat to me but, sadly, I ended up having to cut the conversation short when I rushed to the bathroom to be sick.

That wasn't the end of it, though; usually when I have a headache being sick clears it but not in this case. I had to wait in the hall again, where the assistant asked if I had been sick and said that that often cleared headaches for him, too. When the lesson finally ended, I packed all my college items away, made some hasty goodbyes and went to my bus. The bus ride back home wasn't fun because I had to restrain myself from being sick for the duration of the journey and when I returned, I was sick for a second time.

The headache persisted, so I went to bed and rested for a few hours, after which my head felt bruised but the pain had dissipated. I remained awake for a few hours before returning to bed for the night and I've felt fine today.

That was the worst headache I've had for several years and it annoys me greatly that it caused me to miss part of a lesson. I think it was caused by a combination of late-night revision the day before and up incredibly early on the day with my being in a hot classroom. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I forgot to bring with me yesterday any painkillers for headaches.


  1. Sounds like a migraine. Do you get those? Some people get sick during them.

    1. Yep, fairly certain that was a migraine. Only type of headache I know to resist my being sick!

  2. Eeek, I agree with Susie. I've had them before... just recent. Not fun. I hope you feel better now.
