Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Two dismissive responses that need to go

I propose that the two following terms be eradicated from the vocabulary, except for educational purposes:


Both terms are often obnixously used to dismiss people who are complaining about something, such as a stereotype-ridden joke that is directed at a particular demographic group. For example, take a joke that mocks bad driving in Arizona or the supposed "surrender tendencies" of the French; if Arizonans or French people object, other people disruptively pop up saying "stop being so butthurt" or "it's not offensive, it's just a joke!". No...if someone finds a joke offensive, the correct course of action is to apologise; it's fine to clarify that you intended to be humorous as long as you give a sincere apology.

Evidently, "it's just a joke" is solely used to put down people who object to a particular joke but I've witnessed "butthurt" be used outside the boundaries of humour. A theoretical example of this would be someone calling my post evidence of my being butthurt over the word butthurt. Another example would be  pedestrians being told to "stop being butthurt" about cyclists hitting them. The word is used whether or not the complaint is valid.

I also argue that butthurt contains veiled offense and shaming towards people who engage in certain sex acts, which should not be shamed provided that they occur between consenting adults. Unfortunately, people who believe such acts are shameful behaviour would regard it as further justification for use of the word.

To summarise: I regard "Butthurt" and "It's just a joke!" to be rude, trolling and dismissive responses used to silence complaints, and such responses need to stop. If you consider a complaint to be unjustified, say so in a constructive manner.

Thoughts on this?


  1. Butthurt is new to me. How about hurtbutt?

    1. Hmm...not really a fan of that one, either; same intent. :/

  2. I agree. In the past year and a half, I've had a lot of people tell me that I act so "butthurt" and "paranoid." Well, if they underwent some experiences, they would not speak such rubbish. I hate trolling behavior.

  3. I never really thought of "butthurt" as being a sexual reference. Things to think about.

    1. I think the term originates from the sex act being performed incorrectly.
