Monday, 21 September 2015

Sick in the third week - seriously?

Today began my third week of my new course and I was both shocked and angry to have developed the symptoms of a cold last night (sore throat, running nose - the usual suspects). As such, I spent all of today in class blowing and wiping my nose, with only minimal note taking for my subjects at hand.

Fortunately, a large amount of today's input was material I'd covered before and I was still present for every second of my lessons. I hope I'll feel better tomorrow; I honestly do not need another cold - not after last time.


  1. We are living parallel sinus lives.

  2. I caught a cold too. Must be going around. :( Feel better!

    1. As with my comment to Susie above, I also hope you're feeling better!

  3. Ugh getting sick is the worst. Being forced to be around a sick person is also pretty bad (YOU'RE INFECTING EVERYONE!) haha! I hope you feel better and you didn't get everyone around you sick too.

    1. I feel better. :) As for infecting others, other people in the class had colds, anyway - there's a bug going around!
