Wednesday 4 June 2014

Not expected

Yesterday, a certain special something of ours arrived at the end of its road. It was a part of the family for over twenty years and has always been there to open things for us. Now, I don't know what we'll do without it; I know I will miss it dearly. I am, of course, talking about our tin opener (or can opener).

After over two decades of service, our tin opener's upper handle broke off from the main handle. Once this happened, it was unable to maintain a grip, which was necessary for it to be able to open a can. The cause? Its bones (plastic construction) had weakened over the years from all the hard work. Our trustworthy and long-time family friend was no more. If only it had retired a few years ago; it could have been relaxing in Florida instead of having to be put to rest before its time.

Alas, we will never open a can again. At least not until the replacement opener arrives, anyway.

Tin opener
1990s - 2014


  1. Awww. :( That reminds me: I should add one to my wish list!

  2. We had an electric one when I was young that lasted forever. An exaggeration, but it lasted a long time.

    1. It's great when household tools and appliances last a long time.
