Saturday 21 June 2014

Not empty this time

My third attempt to attend the fair while it was open was a success. I stayed for about half an hour, which might seem short given the effort I put into getting there, but all I wanted to do was have a look, take a few pictures, buy some candies and then walk back. The walks were most of the fun.

I will post some of the images later but for now, here is a picture of the treats I bought at the fair:

I've already shared and eaten what was in the bag beneath the lollipop. It contained what looked like brown and white mushrooms but were actually chocolate and coconut-coated marshmallows with a hint of lemon flavouring.

Thanks to all three of my walks to the fair and my shorter walks on other days, I have walked 20+ miles this week.


  1. YAY! And those treats look good! :) I hope to see carnival pictures for your blog party. :)

    1. Oh, they won't be in the blog party...they'll be posted later today. :)

  2. Good! You worked off all that sugar. ;-)
