Monday, 28 October 2013

On selfies

With personal cameras being widespread, with the most common type being phone cameras, people can take more pictures now than at any other point in history. Everything is photographed: natural landscapes, buildings, food, animals, disasters, random objects, odd objects...everything. Obviously humans are photographed, too, but many people like to take pictures of themselves, not others. All over the Internet, "selfies" are in abundance

There are a variety of ways that these selfies are achieved, but the three common types of selfies are:

1. Mirror shot
The person aims their camera/phone camera towards a mirror and takes a picture of their reflection. If one didn't know better, it could be assumed that some people have a fascination with bathroom mirrors and what to share that interest or are trying to show others what their camera or phone looks like...without the use of another camera.

2. Arm extended
This involves someone holding a camera/phone with an extended arm and pointing it back towards themselves. If aimed correctly (it's not possible to see the viewfinder), this method will take a picture of the person rather than their reflection but often the arm that they're using to hold the camera gets caught in photograph.

3. Phone front camera
Specific to phones, this is similar to "Arm extended" in that it requires the person holding the device at arm's length; however, the person utilises the front camera of their phone, which provides them with better aim as they can see the phone's screen and thus, can direct the lens accordingly.

My opinion? If people want to take selfies and share them, that's completely their decision; besides, I know some people who are skilled at taking selfies! I'm only not keen on the selfies that involve the person pulling stupid faces or giving obscene gestures: they're tedious and not at all funny nor clever. I rarely take selfies (I use option 3. when I do) and none of the ones I've taken are online. I prefer having someone else take a picture of me, as those photographs of me look better than any I've taken.

What do you think? Do you like taking selfies? All viewpoints on this subject are welcome!


  1. It depends for me. If I'm dressing up (like Halloween), I want to take a selfie of me in costume. However, the reverse lens make pictures blurry, mirror pictures are meh and I hate when you can see an arm. I prefer others taking my picture, haha. However, I'm guilty of these three things for Instagram and not so much Facebook.

    1. Don't worry, you're not "guilty" of any of them...I don't disapprove! :)

    2. Okay, awesome. ^_^ Sometimes it's so hard to get others to take pictures for you and I don't always feel like taking my tripod everywhere.

    3. Yes, it can be hard. :/

      I should also note that my approval is not required; anyone can take selfies whether or not someone else approves!

  2. Option 5: a tripod and a timer, which is the method I use for my outfit photos.

    1. It's not a common type of selfie on the Internet, unfortunately; however, I'd argue that it's the best type of selfie, as it's often used for smarter purposes than to pull a silly face into a camera. A tripod and timer is an excellent way for you to showcase your outfits. :)
