Thursday, 10 October 2013

Defending LGBT parents

The events that transpired in this video impressed me:

By "impressed", I am referring to the people who challenged the bigot (an actress, of course, as it's a show that tests the general public's reaction to various unpleasant scenarios) and stood up for the family. What adds to the excellence is that those events took place in Texas, which isn't exactly known for its hospitality towards LGBT people, as least not from its government, anyway.

As I've previously written about in greater length, I support marriage equality and I support gay parenting. Someone's sexuality does not determine how good a parent they would be; I've known gay people who would have made great parents and I've met straight people who were terrible.


  1. I agree! I just really don't understand religious people; they actually anger me. I have a friend on Facebook who is uber Christian and she posts studies that children do better with straight people and straight parents who never divorced. I think a child would do better with a loving family regardless of orientation. At the same time, people shouldn't just stay together for the kids if they're really unhappy -- I think that could be more harmful. Then again, I'm not a doctor or psychologist, so who knows!

    1. Yep, a happy, stable and loving family is what is best for kids: it doesn't matter if it's a man and a woman, two men or two women.
