Monday 2 September 2013

Chatsworth House 2013 pictures

On the 22nd of August, my uncle, cousin, one of my cousins friends and I visited Chatsworth House in Derbyshire. My uncle, cousin and I have now been to the House for three years in a row; we went there this year at my cousin's request. We did not embark on a major trek as we did last year, and this time my uncle and I went inside the House.

While I have an abundance of pictures from this visit to Chatsworth House, a large amount of them are of me and/or my group (and therefore ineligible to be posted here under my rules). Despite this, I've included a decent selection of scenes from the day:

This is a sculpture for an art exhibition at Chatsworth House, Beyond Limits. I think this sculpture is a piece called ''Standing Woman'', by Colombian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero, although I'm not completely certain. None of us read the plaque or sign by the sculpture's feet; at that point in the day, we didn't know that it was part of an exhibition.

In my coverage of my first trip to Chatsworth House, I wrote about the maze. This is a picture taken from the centre of the maze; there was a tree located at the centre on my previous two visits but it has since been removed. I do not know why.

This hedge is the outer wall of the maze. All four of us reached the centre but my uncle made it there first and already exited it by the time my cousin, friend and I had arrived.

This is another sculpture for Beyond Limits, titled Spiral of the Galaxy; it is by Marc Quinn.

This is the sign for the aforementioned sculpture. After we paid little attention to the plaques and signs of the other pieces, I ensured I photographed this one.

This is the rock from where I attempted my infamous mud jump last year. My uncle gave a spectacular retelling of the incident to us for the benefit of my cousin's friend; his retell was hilarious and deeply impressed us. If you ever want to hear the story of the time I jumped into the mud at Chatsworth House, hear it from my uncle!

An obligatory shot of Chatsworth House itself, just to show that we were there. The weather was sunny for most of the day but the clouds partially obscured the sunshine towards the end of our visit.

This trip might have been my third year at Chatsworth House in a row, but I was pleased by my cousin's request and both the House and its grounds never become boring. I will always recommend to people who want to come to the United Kingdom to go to Chatsworth House; you won't be disappointed.

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