Wednesday 20 August 2014

Another set of old earbuds

In my current sorting out of my room, I came across something that I had long forgotten about: the set of earbuds I was given to keep (from the airline company) on my family's flight from the United States to Amsterdam. Where were they? Packed away in a bag that I once used as my main travel bag.

Prior to today, the only time I had ever used them was on the aforementioned flight so I could listen to the onboard entertainment system. I tried them in my phone this afternoon: they worked, but their sound quality is lower than that of my new earbuds; plus, they are extremely susceptible to the bug in my phone's headphone jack.

I won't be using these earbuds in my phone again. Instead, I'll likely use them with my Sweex Vici MP4 Player. One of the problems with my Sweex is the inability to lower its volume; these earbuds are naturally quiet, so the Sweex's problem will be a bonus in this circumstance.