Thursday 1 May 2014

The three dandelions

Yesterday, I photographed these three dandelions, which are located in our back yard. Note the state of the flower on each plant:

The first dandelion lost its entire flower - most likely because of the wind - and is, for lack of a better term, completely bald. Only the stem remains intact.

The second dandelion lost half of its flower. Again, it's most likely because of the wind that its flower is not whole.

The flower of the third dandelion is completely intact. It is located in a shaded area, where it receives protection from the wind, unlike the aforementioned plants. It doesn't appear to be in any danger of being blown to pieces.

I don't know what the age of each plant is. It's possible that the dandelion with the intact flower is the oldest, but looks younger simply because the other two are out in the open and are more vulnerable. I found the different state of each flower to be interesting.