Monday 19 August 2013

Rufford Abbey Country Park

The first place on the week's agenda was Rufford Abbey Country Park, located in northern Nottinghamshire. We spent the late part of the morning and a fair amount of the early and mid-afternoon there. Three of us, which included me, then had to go into Nottingham itself to pick up some needed supplies and then my uncle and I went to the cinema. I got back only twenty minutes ago.

I'll have pictures in a future post; I am too exhausted from today to bother with uploading pictures, renaming them and then posting them right now! I expected a big day and it was larger...and more fun...than I anticipated.


  1. Can't wait to see the pictures. :) Today's adventures sound AMAZING!

  2. What'd you see at the cinema? (Russian for theatre is кино so I definitely know that word x3)

    Rest well, Andrew!

    1. Thanks, Claire! I did. :)

      My uncle took me to see The Lone Ranger; he's a fan of the Ranger and wanted to see it. He was glad to see it with me!
